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Nativia at the University

At the beginning of the last year we addressed representatives of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences to present Nativia s.r.o., and its philosophy with an offering to contribute to the education of future vets and basically everyone who will be working in the petfood field.

In April 2013, and for the first time ever, Nativia s.r.o. made an appearance on the academic soil to give a lecture on kibble manufacturing technology. As in the last year, we were pleased again to accept the invitation of Prof. Pavel Suchý, the rector of VFU Brno to attend the instruction of future vets and we presented our hands-on view of the basis of nutrition of dogs and cats to students of the second year. The students learnt how to calculate the energy value of food and energy need of an animal. In addition, the lecture gave an overview of the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and recommended energy nutrition values for each category.

We believe that we will continue to develop this cooperation to mutual satisfaction. This close relationship with academic sphere gives us an opportunity to work with young people with interesting ideas and helps us to formulate arguments that we use in our daily communication with our customers. At the same time, we are able to get objective information to rebut the myths and half-truths, which are unfortunately still wide spread in the world of pet nutrition.

Nativia at the University

Ing. Jan Jirásek




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